Most employers do not say, “You’re too old to keep working here.” Instead, age discrimination can be subtle. Some things to watch out for:
- Retirement Plans. Is your employer asking you questions about your retirement plans when you have never brought it up?
- Different Dealings. Have you been passed up for a promotion that was given to someone younger with less experience? Are younger workers given more opportunities for trainings, projects, than older employees? Is your boss treating you differently than your younger colleagues?
- Coded Comments. Are you hearing coded comments like: we need more energetic people, fresher ideas, new blood, older people are set in their ways, older people cannot learn new technology? Such comments can be an indication of a discriminatory mind-set.
- Ageist Assumptions. Does your employer appear to assume that older workers cannot be in charge of social media, that they cannot learn new technology, that they are just waiting for retirement and do not work as hard as younger employees?
- Sudden Decline In Performance. If you have been working at your employer for a number of years, have always gotten good performance reviews and compliments on your work, and all of a sudden your employer is criticizing your work or have gotten a bad review, that can be a sign of age discrimination.
- Layoffs Skew Towards Older Workers. If companies lay off many older employees but not a lot of younger employees, that can be a sign of age discrimination.
If you feel your employer is treating you differently because of your age, please contact us at 612-278-9832 or [email protected]. Over the past 30 years, Bertelson Law Offices, P.A. has represented hundreds of older employees in age discrimination cases and can help advise you about your particular work situation.